CITATION: Courtesy of the Sacred Heart League
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart:
- The tradition of enthroning an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a place of honor within the home is a wonderful and prayerful way of remembering and honoring the love that God the Father has for each one of us. This great, merciful love of God is revealed to us especially through his Son, Jesus Christ. Through his passion, death and resurrection, we have been redeemed and chosen as God's sons and daughters.
- In response to this love, we seek to show our love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by the love we have for each other, the poor and all God's people in need.
- The enthronement ceremony is a way of consecrating the family and the home to the Sacred Heart. We acknowledge our need for Jesus' love and mercy. We seek to place our family under the protection and blessings of the Sacred Heart, and we ask him to make our home a place where people feel welcome and experience God's peace.
- The enthronement ceremony should be family centered and may include relatives, neighbors and family friends. It will be a source of many blessings for the family, for members living at a distance and for all who take part in the ceremony.
Image of the Sacred Heart:
- A framed picture or statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus should be located in a place of honor within the home. The picture or statue can be one new to the family or one long cherished and beloved.
- The enthronement ceremony should be a festive occasion, if at all possible. The head of the household can be the prayer leader, or different parts can be led by different members of the family. Everyone gathered for the ceremony should participate by joining in the prayers and responses.
Time for the Ceremony:
- The enthronement ceremony can take place on any day. A Sunday, the day dedicated to the Lord, would be appropriate. So would the First Friday of any month, or on a convenient day or evening in June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The Feast of the Sacred Heart is the second Friday after Pentecost Sunday.
- The best time for the enthronement ceremony is on a day and time in which the family can participate without being rushed.
- All assemble in a special place in the home, perhaps around the dining room table or in the family room. If possible, the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is central.
- LEADER: (making the sign of the cross) In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer of Blessing
LEADER: Blessed are you, Lord God of all Creation. Blessed are you in your Son, Jesus Christ, whom you sent to be our Savior and Lord. From his open side, pierced by a lance out of love for us, your Church was born and the seven Sacraments established. His Sacred Heart is the very image of your love for each one of us in our families and in our daily lives. May this image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus renew your blessings upon our family. May all our family members, near or far, at home or away, be strengthened in faith, hope and love. And may our family's love for Jesus bring many blessings to those we cherish -- our relatives, neighbors and friends, especially all whom we welcome to our home.
- ALL: Amen.
Litany of Praise
LEADER: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us,
- ALL: Hear our prayer.
- ALL: May we return love for love.
- ALL: May we too be compassionate.
- ALL: We have all received.
- ALL: And forgiving to all.
- ALL: To all who call upon you.
- ALL: As we hold you in our hearts.
Scripture and Response
READER: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
- ALL: Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like your heart.
- ALL: Heart of Jesus, may we hunger and thirst for justice, and be satisfied.
- ALL: Heart of Jesus, may we truly be disciples of your love.
- ALL: Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, have mercy upon us.
- ALL: Heart of Jesus, may we learn from all you speak to us in our hearts.
- ALL: Heart of Jesus, my Lord and my God!
- ALL: Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.
Members of the family may briefly express some of the blessings they have received from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Prayers of Petition
LEADER: Let us pray for each other and for the intentions in our minds and hearts. For all the members of this family, whether present or far from home, whether living or deceased (some may be mentioned by name), for our relatives and friends, let us pray:
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, good shepherd, be present in their hearts.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, be their place of consolation.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, welcome them into your glory.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, do not forget the poor who are close to your heart.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, bind up their wounds and heal them.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
- ALL: Sacred Heart of Jesus, we love you.
Communal Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Behold this heart that has loved us so much and that finds only indifference, neglect and ingratitude among most People -- and often among those whom it has honored with a special love.
- Lord, we have heard your sorrowful complaints You revealed to the blessed servant and disciple of your heart, St. Margaret Mary, that you felt greater sorrow over this ingratitude than over all the sufferings you endured in your passion, that if we would only make some return of love you would count as nothing all that you have done for us.
- Therefore, Lord, we will try to return love for love. Through our grateful, compassionate love, we shall be able to live a life perfect in immolation, in service and in love as your heart so greatly desires.
- Just as Mary Magdalene poured ointment over your feet, we likewise offer you adoration, love, humility and loyalty. With Veronica, we desire to console you for all the abuse that has been heaped upon you. And finally, with your blessed Mother, St. John and all the loyal and devoted friends standing on Calvary, we will stand by you faithfully, to make up for your many loved ones who have deserted you.
- May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere.
- To the heart of Jesus, most worthy of adoration, be praise, thanksgiving and consolation throughout the whole world, now and forever. Amen.
- May the Sacred Heart of Jesus bless us and our family today and every day. Amen.
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart
Diocesan Center 1007 Superior Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114 |
The Reverend Eric Orzech
Diocesan Director Marlene Palumbo Donna Zak Coordinators |